On average 19,699 people in Mtwara go for health screening
services in a year. However last year, a meeting between head of Local
Government Authority departments and social accountability and monitoring team in
Mtwara, Mikindani unveiled a not very pleasant situation. One of the most
striking issues that raised concern during the meeting was the facilitation of quarterly health screening services (injuries,
diabetes, hypertension, cervical and breast cancers) to 56 secondary schools during
World AIDS day of 2014. It was reported
that health department was able to conduct screening services to 56 secondary
schools, a claim which was later refuted by People Living with HIV/AIDS, CSOs
and councillors.
National council of people living with HIV (NACOPHA)
under USAID, SAUTI YETU project is strengthening Local Government Authority on social
accountability monitoring to enable the authorities analyze data collected from the relevant department of the District Councils
so as to influence
decisions and process at various levels in the community, local Government or
national authorities that impact on the lives and right of PLHV and national at
The meeting revelations followed a one week training
conducted by NACOPHA in June, 2014. The training was on social accountability
and monitoring to 15 people team from Mtwara
Mikindani (the team is comprised by People Living with HIV, civil society organizations,
councillors, and religious leaders).They were trained on methodologies of data collection, analysis and
verification based on five social accountability stages and management of
documents produced from the process.
The Mikindani District Medical
Officer, Dr Mahela Njile admitted the error by saying “it was just a typing error in the reported activity but I promised to
act on it” After this admission, the social accountability and monitoring team decided to visit all projects and activities in the areas identified
through the reviewed documents.
Mr. Chale Hassan, team
member from Mtwara Mikindani, clarified that although they were happy to get
clarification, but still some project activities on site were different from
what has been reported.
Having received the report, The District Executive
Director of Mtwara Mikindani, Mr. Shimwela Lieis stated that the social
accountability and monitoring team intervention and ability of analyzing and
questioning the use of public funds made the exercise to be named as a “second
eye” which will lead to effective implementation of activities, transparency
and accountability for Local Government Authority.
The four-year
project that began in December 2013 is being implemented in Morogoro, Dodoma,
Iringa and Mtwara regions. Eight district clusters from the four regions have been
reached, while fifteen participants in each district benefited from the
Asia Adam (Right) MtwaraMikindani social
accountability and monitoring team chairperson reviewing council documentsduring
data analysis in Mtwara,June 2015.
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