Tanzanian government is pleased to notice that there are many people living with HIV (PLHIVs) who are strong in terms of healthy unlike in the past. Th is raises hope that Tanzania without AIDS is possible. 

Th is was an observation made by Tanzania Commission for AIDS (TACAIDS) Chairman, Dr. Fatma Mrisho in a recent meeting organized by the National Council of People Living with HIV and AIDS in Tanzania (NACOPHA) for stakeholders involved in HIV and AIDS response at TACAIDS conference room. Th e meeting was sponsored by Global Fund through African Medical and Research Foundation (AMREF). Dr. Mrisho who was the guest of honor said there is no diff erence of physical features between HIV infected people and those in normal health conditions because they take good nutritional food, so they are as strong and healthy as any other people. She commented that in the past, PLHIV were weak and known as Juliana and Silimu (meaning slim) which was one of the highest level of stigma. Nowadays, things have changed positively and this gives hope that Tanzania’s dream of zero new infections, zero HIV related deaths and zero discrimination will come true soon. She added that besides these achievements, from next year the government in collaboration with

TACAIDS will give priority to three areas. Th e fi rst one will focus on ten regions in the country with high HIV prevalence such as Iringa, Njombe, Rukwa, Ruvuma, Dar es Salaam, Katavi, Tabora and Shinyanga which have a total of 57 districts. Another sensitive priority is the youth from 15 to 24 years. Th e world’s statistics show high rate of infection among youths. “…It shows that HIV infection among youth increase day by day. As far as youth is concerned, HIV infection has increased simply because they are not aware of the services provided on how to take care of their health. Th e drug abuse also contributes a lot since they share syringes without caution, and they are prone to temptations towards prostitution…” explained 
Dr. Fatma. Th e third priority is to establish a special fund for AIDS, a decision that the government has already accepted and its implementation is about to begin. In his intervention during the meeting, NACOPHA’s Chief Executive Offi cer (CEO) Mr. Deogratias Rutatwa stated that the main goal is to ensure there is close cooperation and collaboration with HIV stakeholders in Tanzania with the aim of achieving Th ree Zeros. Th e eradication of HIV in the society is everybody’s responsibility and not only a concern of those who are already infected; he emphasized that PLHIV should be cautious of not infecting others and those who are HIV free should continue to protect themselves.